You've Got A Friend In Me
January 12, 2017

“You’ve Got a Friend in Me”
Proverbs 13:20; 6:16-19

7 Qualities of a Good Friend:

  1. A good friend is someone who is

    in spirit.
    a. Warning: avoid a close relationship with someone who is prideful.

  2. A good friend is someone who

    honest words.
    a. Warning: avoid a close relationship with someone who is loose with the truth.

  3. A good friend is someone who

    the weak.
    a. Warning: avoid a close relationship with someone who tries to exert their power over the weak.

  4. A good friend is someone who has a

    a. Warning: avoid a close relationship with someone who devises ways to run into evil.

  5. A good friend is someone who

    evil paths.
    a. Warning: avoid a close relationship with someone who is quick to participate in sinful behavior.

  6. A good friend is someone who adds

    to others.
    a. Warning: avoid a close relationship with someone who practices slander.

  7. A good friend is someone who fosters

    in relationships.
    a. Warning: avoid a close relationship with someone who enjoys speading gossip and fostering dissension.

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