Never Forget: He Took My Place
February 22, 2018

“Never Forget: He Took My Place”
1 Corinthians 11:23-26; Matthew 27:33-54

When we come to the table we come remembering Christ and the cross!

  1. Remember the

    of the cross (33-44).

    a. A

    shame (33-36).

    b. A

    shame (37).

    c. A

    shame (38-44).

    Jesus suffered shame that we might


  2. Remember the

    on the cross (45-59).

    a. Supernatural


    b. Sovereign


    Jesus experienced separation that we might receive


  3. Remember the

    of the cross (50-54).

    Jesus paid the full price of sin, so that God might

    all people in!