Guardrails - Part 4 - Money Matters
October 31, 2021

Greed is the

that it is all for my

Most people’s spending style:

God’s people’s spending style:

Stuff will always want

in your heart.

What do your actions say about what are who you are seeking first? List your current order and note where any changes should be

This week’s reading:
Matthew 6, Matthew 20, 1 Corinthians 16, Genesis 14, 1 Matthew 25

Going Deeper
Are you a saver or a spender? In what ways have you benefited from that tendency? In what ways has it created challenges for you?

Read Matthew 6:24. In what ways do you currently “serve money”? How do you think that affects your relationship with God?

How difficult would it be to reprioritize your finances from “live, save, give” to “give, save, live”?

What is your best next step toward establishing a guardrail against greed by prioritizing giving? What is one thing you can do this week to begin to take that step?