The Necessity of Unity
January 9, 2021

Series: Church In The Wild
Living Godly Life In A Godless World

Sermon: The Necessity of Unity
Text: 1 Corinthians 1:10-17

  1. Paul’s Appeal: In The Church (10)
  2. Paul’s Source (11)
  3. Paul Identifies The (12)
  4. Paul’s Questions (13)
    • “Is Christ ?”
    • “Was crucified for you?”
    • “Or were you baptized in the name of ?”
  5. Paul’s Priority (14-17)

Today’s Takeaways
1. Unity Is A Priority Because

Proclamation To A Lost World Is Desperately Needed
• Paul deals with this issue first in the Corinthian church.
• Jesus prayed for it in John 17:20-23
• We are encouraged to protect it Ephesian 4:1-3
Application Question: Am I personally doing everything to protect the unity of Temple Baptist?

  1. Unity Is A Possibility When We Keep The Gospel Central
    Application Question: Is the Gospel central in my life?