God has Always Wanted a World Full of Worshipers of Him!
November 10, 2019

God has Always Wanted a World Full of Worshipers of Him!
Genesis 1:26-28

  1. God Worshipers have a

    . (“Us” and “Our”) Psalm 90:2

  2. God Worshipers Glorify God through

    . (“Image” and “Likeness”) 1 Corinthians 10:31

  3. God Worshipers were Created to be One within

    _. (“Man,” “Him,” “Them,” “Make,” and “Female.”) Acts 2:41-47

  4. God Worshipers Understand His

    and His . (“God Blessed” and “God Said”) John 10:10

  5. God Worshipers are Commissioned to

    God Worshipers. (“Be Fruitful, Multiply, Fill the Earth”) Mathew 28:18-20

  6. God Worshipers Intentionally and Strategically

    . (“Subdue” and “Rule”) Luke 9:23