February 25, 2024 - Soddy Daisy Campus Notes

February 25, 2024 - Soddy Daisy Campus
Gary Jared: Senior Pastor
God Is Among Us
Hebrews 7:1-8

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I. God is Among Us as a

A. Melchizedek is a type of

  1. He is a
  2. He is a
  3. He has no or

B. Melchizedek is

than Levitical priesthood

II. God is Among Us as a

A. Witnessing that he

  1. Dying men receive
    a. Dying men – priesthood
    b. Receives – tense
    c. Tithes – the giving to the
  2. He receives
    a. He – ( _) priesthood
    b. Receives – tense
    c. Tithes – the giving to the

B. Witnessing that he is

  1. He is us
  2. He is us
  3. He is us
  4. He is us