February 16, 2020

~Another Look at the Lessons~

Read: 2 Samuel 11:1-17, 26-27
Evaluate the following statement: sin often starts small but grows like a snowball rolling downhill.

David is often portrayed in Scripture as an ideal believer, who was faithful and zealous for the Lord. What does this sordid series of events in David’s life teach us about ourselves?

Read: 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8
Explain the following: God is never satisfied with our current level of sanctification (that is holiness and good works in our lives).

Our sinful world says that sexual immorality is harmless fun. I can do what I want to with my own body. How does Paul respond?

Read: Matthew 5:21-37
How does Jesus exposition of the commandments show that God is equally concerned with the unseen attitudes in our hearts as he is with our outward words and actions?