Has the Kingdom of God Come In Your Life?
Matthew 6:9-13
Gerry Campbell
April 28, 2024

Has the Kingdom of God Come In Your Life?
Matthew 6:9-13
Pastor Gerry Campbell

May your kingdom come, may your will be done as in heaven, so on earth. - Matthew 6:10

By repeated use of this prayer in worship and teaching of its main themes,

a) God’s name to be

b) God’s kingdom to
c) God’s will to be .

The hope is that gradually this communal prayer will be internalized to shape the worldview of Christians and define their purpose in life.

1) What thoughts come to your mind when you hear this verse?

2) How has internalization of God’s kingdom coming, worked out in transforming your life? And your life with others as part of community of faith, the church?

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