Disciplines of the Kingdom–Fasting
August 18, 2019

“Disciplines of the Kingdom–Fasting”
Matthew 6:16–18

  1. The

    of fasting (16-17).
    a. you fast.
    b. you fast.
    i. To prayer.
    ii. To express grief of .
    iii. To express concern for the of God.
    iv. To express love and to God.

  2. The

    of fasting (16-18).
    a. fasting.
    b. fasting.
    c. a fast….
    i. Determine you are fasting.
    ii. Determine what of fast you will practice.
    a. Normal fast
    b. Partial fast
    c. Absolute fast
    d. Congregational fast
    e. National fast
    iii. Determine how you will fast.