What are you intentional about? (Matthew 8:23-27, NLT)
INTENTIONALITY means we bring WHAT we have UNDER who He is.
Intentionality WITH Jesus instead of AROUND Jesus will ENHANCE your life.
(Psalm 89:8-9, Job 38:8-11, Revelation 5:12, NLT)
1-He is WORTHY of being the
2-To be
3-To be INTENTIONAL means to
He WILL bring peace and order to your life when we come UNDER His order.
If you’re really honest right now, are you UNDER Kingdom INTENTIONALITY?
Ask Yourself…
1-Look at what you do with the most PASSION—does it DESERVE that EMOTIONAL investment?
2-Look at what you do with the most TIME—does it DESERVE that TIME investment?
3-Look at what you directly do WITH God—does it REPRESENT your BEST investment right now?
So what do I do with this?
1-Be intentional WITH Jesus WHERE you are.
2-Be intentional WITH Jesus with WHAT you have.
3-Be intentional WITH Jesus with WHERE you want to go.
Lord, this is YOUR day, I am yours—I want to do this WITH you today. Show me HOW.