Colby Engstrum
January 27, 2025

What are you intentional about? (Matthew 8:23-27, NLT)

INTENTIONALITY means we bring WHAT we have UNDER who He is.
Intentionality WITH Jesus instead of AROUND Jesus will ENHANCE your life.
(Psalm 89:8-9, Job 38:8-11, Revelation 5:12, NLT)

1-He is WORTHY of being the

of our lives. (Psalm 127:1-2)

2-To be

means to put our at Jesus’ feet. (Luke 5:4-11)

3-To be INTENTIONAL means to

your life with & through JESUS. (Not just around Him.). (Colossians 3:16-17, 1 Corinthians 14:33a)

He WILL bring peace and order to your life when we come UNDER His order.
If you’re really honest right now, are you UNDER Kingdom INTENTIONALITY?

Ask Yourself…
1-Look at what you do with the most PASSION—does it DESERVE that EMOTIONAL investment?
2-Look at what you do with the most TIME—does it DESERVE that TIME investment?
3-Look at what you directly do WITH God—does it REPRESENT your BEST investment right now?

So what do I do with this?
1-Be intentional WITH Jesus WHERE you are.
2-Be intentional WITH Jesus with WHAT you have.
3-Be intentional WITH Jesus with WHERE you want to go.

Lord, this is YOUR day, I am yours—I want to do this WITH you today. Show me HOW.