2-2 God is doing a new thing
February 2, 2025

God is doing a new thing

Isaiah 43:18-19


. Isaiah 43:18

  1. We must let go of the to make room for the new.
  2. We must let go of to grab onto truth.
  3. We must let go of to grab onto faith.
  4. We must let go of to grab onto healing.
  5. We must let go of the to grab the powerful.
  6. We must let go of to grab onto freedom.
  7. We must let go of the to grab the excellent.
  8. We must let go of the to grab the amazing.
  9. We must let go of the to grab the significant.
  10. We must let go of the to grab the unknown.
  11. We must let go of the to grab on to God.
  12. We must let go of the to grab the future.


INTO THE . Isaiah 43:19

  1. God will make a

    in the wilderness.
    a. God will make a way… but you must out.

    b. God makes a way in the wilderness. Our job is to

    Him without looking back.

    c. God will make a way, but when it is time to go you got to go.

  2. God will make

    in the desert.
    a. When God make a river in the desert, our job is to put the boat in and the current.

    b. When God makes a stream in the desert, our job is to take a drink.