

Sermon Details

Sermon: Remaining Part 2
Scripture: John 15:9-11
Summary: Being loved by Jesus is easy, it comes to us as a free gift. But it is not enough to be loved, we need to remain in it if we are to live loved. In this message Peter explains how we are loved, how to remain in Jesus’ love, and the byproduct of remaining in his love

For Reflection and Discussion

Read Scripture: John 15:9-11

  1. Do you feel loved by God at the moment? Why/why not?
  2. When was the last time you felt loved by God? What was it like?
  3. Read v9. What evidence could you put forward for how the Father loves the Son?
  4. What difference would it make in your life if at the core of your being you knew you were completely loved by God?
  5. In the message, Peter talked about four threats to living loved. Which one is the largest threat to you living loved.
    a. Familiarity
    b. Redefinition
    c. Worthiness
    d. Relational dysfunction
  6. Read v10. What are some typical rules by which relationships operate?
  7. What are some rules or commands of Jesus which have a richly relational flavour to them?
  8. Read v11. When have you had joy or the experience of gladness because you were remaining in the love of Jesus?
