Road Trip Radio
John 4:16-26
Part of You Are Here—Summer 2022 Sermon Series 3
September 4, 2022

Week 2 HPC @ Home Guide

Scripture: John 4:16-26
Big Idea: The location of worship is no longer important; the focus of our worship is what matters!

Take some time to share:
• One thing that you are thankful for this week.

• One thing you need.

• How can the group help?

Bible Discussion: Read John 4:16-26
• What about this passage stands out to you as you read?

• What does it mean to worship God in “spirit and in truth”?

• The Samaritan woman points out the exclusivity of Judaism, how does Jesus respond?

• What does Jesus point to as the most important aspect of worship?

If you have been in the Christian faith for a long time, you probably have certain habits when you worship. However, neither your location nor your music preferences should dictate your worship.
Instead, as Jesus teaches in this passage, you should learn to worship God in spirit and truth, regardless of your physical location or the music you are hearing. The location and window dressing aren’t the focus; what matters is the Person you are worshipping.

• What are some habits of worship that you find meaningful?

• Would you be able to truly worship if those practices were no longer in place?

• How can we step outside of our own understanding of what makes something worshipful and instead focus on the person we are worshipping?

• What are some different ways that you could worship God, outside of the normal activities that you are used to?

CHALLENGE: Spend some time in worship this week, focusing only on the one you are worshipping. Tune out the distractions of what worship is “supposed to be,” and find worship in whatever moment or place you find yourself in.