Sermon Notes
Concluding Malachi in 3 Words
Part of Malachi
July 7, 2024

Concluding Malachi in 3 Words

Malachi 4:4-6 ESV

What 3 words summarize the heart of Malachi?


- Israel’s history and God’s faithfulness
What are we to remember?
- God’s for His people Mal. 1:1-5
- to honor your Heavenly Father in Mal. 1:6-2:9
- to be faithful to your spouse as God is to you Mal. 2:10-16
- to joyfully everything God has entrusted to you Mal. 3:6-12

Remember goes beyond our actions to the heart. Our worship (

) must flow from the heart. are God’s moral boundaries written on our hearts. Deut. 6:1-3, Psalm 119:54-55, 1 John 5:3


- the coming Messiah, Savior, and Refiner
Who is Elijah in this verse?
- Luke 1:8-17
- Matthew 11:11-12
- He’s the Messiah (the One)
- He’s the Savior (the One)
- He’s the Refiner (the One)

All sin is the cause of broken

(with creation, with others, within ourselves, and with God). The heart must be changed to ensure healing and restoration. Ezekiel 36:26-27, Malachi 4:5


- no sinner will escape the Judge
- Where there is no , there is no salvation.
- : Be in awe of the Lord; turn from sin. See list of Mal. 3:5
- : Swift and decisive judgement Mal. 3:5, 4:1
- We need the !

“…work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who

in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.” Philippians 2:12b-13