Breakthrough: GO
Focus on Action
Part of CLC Guelph
December 28, 2024

January 19-25: GO - Focus on Action

Share your testimony here.


In the book of James, we are exhorted to not just be hearers of the Word, but DOERS. It’s time to move forward with action. Isaiah 58 speaks of what true fasting is in the eyes of the Lord and talks about the need to translate our fasting into acts of mercy and generosity to the poor, as well as justice to the oppressed. Action may involve obeying in your tithes if you haven’t. It can mean giving up your own treats for a bag of groceries to donate to the local food bank. Action towards growth may require us to praise the Lord out loud each time we’re tempted to complain. Or reaching out to an estranged family member for reconciliation. Action can mean hosting a life harvest in your life group, or organizing a prayer meeting with your friends to pray for your campus and the nations. Invite the Holy Spirit to instruct you on what actions you can take as part of your fast. Actions flesh out the Word we have received from God throughout this period of fasting. Ready? GO.


MATTHEW 7:24-27 | JAMES 1:21-24 | ISAIAH 58:6-12 | 1 PETER 1:14-16
ACTS 1:8 | JOHN 14:15 | LUKE 11:28 | 1 SAMUEL 15:22 | ISAIAH 1:19 | JOHN 14:23
JEREMIAH 17:23 | 1 JOHN 3:24 | MARK 16:15 | MATTHEW 28:18-20 | 2 JOHN 1:6 | TITUS 3:1
DEUTERONOMY 11:26-28 | JOSHUA 1:8 | PROVERBS 19:17 |PSALM 112:5 | DEUTERONOMY 15:7-8
1 TIMOTHY 6:18-19 | 1 JOHN 3:16-18


  1. Write down daily the verse(s) you have read and what God is teaching you through that passage.
  2. Surrender in prayer and ask the Holy Spirit to show you specific actions you need to take to align and grow. Pray as the prophet Isaiah prayed, “Here I am, Lord, send me!”. Pray for your life group and the church family to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to go, obey, and witness for Christ.

DAY 15
Bible Verse(s) I read:

What is God saying to me through this passage?

My Prayer Points today:

DAY 16
Bible Verse(s) I read:

What is God saying to me through this passage?

My Prayer Points today:

DAY 17
Bible Verse(s) I read:

What is God saying to me through this passage?

My Prayer Points today:

DAY 18
Bible Verse(s) I read:

What is God saying to me through this passage?

My Prayer Points today:

DAY 19
Bible Verse(s) I read:

What is God saying to me through this passage?

My Prayer Points today:

DAY 20
Bible Verse(s) I read:

What is God saying to me through this passage?

My Prayer Points today:

DAY 21
Bible Verse(s) I read:

What is God saying to me through this passage?

My Prayer Points today:

WELL DONE, BELOVED OF CHRIST! You have completed the 21-Day Breakthrough Prayer and Fasting!

Remember to give God the glory by sharing your testimony here.