Deadly Decievers
Ben Kimmell
Part of Present Hope in Future Glory—1 & 2 Peter
February 9, 2025
  1. The to False Teachers (2.1-3a)
    a. False teachers are . (2.1a; Mt. 7.15-23; 1 Jn. 2.19; Mt. 13.20-22)
    b. False teachers advance . (2.1b; 3.3-4; Jer. 14.13ff; 23.9ff; Ez. 13)
    c. False teachers pursue . (2.2)
    d. False teachers are . (2.3a)
  2. The of False Teachers (2.3b-10a)
    a. God will the . (2.3b-6; cf. 2.b, 9b-10a; Gen. 6; 7-9; 19)
    b. God will the . (2.7-9a)
  3. The of False Teachers (2.10b-16)
    a. False teachers are . (2.10b-11; 2.1b; Jude 9)
    b. False teachers are like . (2.12; cf. 3.14)
    c. False teachers in . (2.13)
    d. False teachers unstable . (2.14-16; Num. 25 & 31)
  4. The of False Teaching (2.17-22)
    a. False teaching makes us to . (2.17-19; Jer. 2.13)
    b. False teaching makes us to the . (2.20-21; Mt. 12.43-45)
    c. False teaching exposes those who in . (2.22; Prov. 26.11)