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Message Notes:
Series on Genesis Covering:
1. Creation Genesis 1-2
2. Fall – Genesis 3
3-5. Patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob) Genesis 12-35
6. Joseph Genesis 37-50
1. Figure out the 5 w’s: who, what, when, where, and why.
2. Then ask yourself…What is the truth in this God wants me to know today.
Main Text: Genesis 25 – 35
Chapter 25:
Isaac married Rebekah at 40. He had twin sons at 60 – Jacob and Esau. Esau came out first (red head, hairy, fiery) Jacob came out grasping his brother’s heel (meaning of his name. grasper of heel and deceiver). Jacob even tricked Esau into giving up his birthright
Chapter 27:
Jacob, with the help of his mother, lied to his father. He pretended to be Esau, covered his arm and neck with goatskin, and stole Esau’s blessing. Out of fear of Esau, Jacob fled to Rebekah’s hometown
Chapter 28:
On his way to Laban’s house in Harran, Jacob had a very famous dream while sleeping of a stairway from earth to heaven with angels ascending and descending. God promised to bless him and his descendants. Jacob built a pillar there and considered the place sacred.
Chapter 29:
Jacob worked for Laban (Rebekah Brother) for 7 years to earn his daughter Rachel’s hand in marriage. After the 7 years, Laban deceived him and gave him Leah instead (whom Jacob did not love). Laban convinced him to work another 7 years for Rachel. Jacob had 12 sons between Leah, Rachel, and their maid servants who became the 12 tribes of Israel.
Chapter 30:
As Jacob’s family grew, He asked Laban to return to his father’s land. But Laban wanted him to stay because he saw how blessed he became while Jacob was there, so he asked Jacob to name his price to stay. Jacob said he will stay and continue to tend to Laban’s flock under one condition, he lets him keep every speckled or spotted sheep/goat. But Jacob manipulated Laban’s flock to breed only strong, spotted animals for himself and left Laban with the weak ones.
Chapter 32:
Jacob sent all his family ahead with gifts to meet up with Esau. That night a man (believed by many to be pre-incarnate Jesus) came and wrestled him until daybreak. When the man saw He could not overpower him he touched the socket of Jacob’s hip so Jacob would have a limp. The man wanted to leave at daybreak, but Jacob refused to let Him go until He blessed Jacob (Jacob began to understand this was a divine being). Jacob’s name (meaning “supplanter” or “deceiver”) gets changed to Israel (meaning “having power with God” or “God’s fighter”). To this day the Israelites do not eat the tendon attached to the socket of the hip, because that is where Jacob was touched.
Chapter 33-35:
1-20 – Esau surprisingly greeted Jacob with a kiss and welcomed him home. They exchanged gifts then parted ways to find land in the near distance to live in. After tension formed later between the families Jacob and his family moved back to where God had given him the original vision.
Main Idea:
We always have a choice.
God’s way or our way.
1. The story of Jacob is more about God’s faithfulness than it is Jacob’s.
2. Jacob had to make a choice. To continue to do life his own way or change and do life God’s way.
We also have a choice.
We can continue to be a Jacob (stuck in deception and the past) or we can choose to let God take control (And we can be an Israel).
We always have a choice, God’s way, or our way.
Which way will you chose today?
If you prayed the prayer to start fresh with God today text “startagain” (one word) to 97000 so we can connect with you and help you take the next steps in this amazing decision.
My Notes:
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