We need to guard our
What comes out of our mouth can make us
Emotion What it is What to do with it
This week’s reading:
Proverbs 4, Philippians 4, Matthew 15, Psalm 1, Acts 5
Going Deeper
Read Philippians 4:6–7. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being “non” and 10 being “I’m overwhelmed,” how much anxiety are you currently experiencing in life? Does the idea of addressing your anxiety by thanking God and taking your requests to him seem realistic?
Do any of these emotions regularly ding your conscience: guilt (“I owe you”), anger (“you owe me”), greed (“I owe me”), or jealousy (“God owes me”)?
What is one thing you can do this week to begin establishing a guardrail around your heart? What can you do to take a step toward confessing if you feel guilt, forgiving if you feel anger, giving if you feel greed, or celebrating if you feel jealousy?