David: Journey To The King
Pt. 3 Hearing The Voice Of God
1 Samuel 3:1-21

People’s ears become DULL
By the end of the judges, the spiritual state of Israel was so low God didn’t interact with His people often. But from Hannah’s prayer, God began to use her son Samuel to start correcting Israel’s waywardness. Sometimes God stops speaking to those who hear but don’t listen (Matt. 13:14, 15)! Samuel was now probably a teenager and had been ministering in God’s house for years. Some of the best life-long habits are started when young. Early one morning before sunrise, God broke the silence and physically called out to Samuel. God often calls to those with hearts receptive to hear. Waking up, Samuel ran to Eli thinking the elderly man needed help. Eli sends him back to bed, and after two more times perceived it was God who was calling him. Sometimes those who should be the most sensitive to God can barely hear Him. Israel’s spiritual sensitivity had grown deaf and numb along with Eli their priest. Surprisingly, God removed the priests—Eli, Hophni, and Phineas, and called their assistant to do His work (Ez. 22:30). The best ability is availability!

God’s word becomes SHARP
The fourth time God called, Samuel acknowledged the presence of God who was standing by him! Samuel tells God to speak for he is listening—unlike the other callous priests. God then says He will wipe out the line of Eli. The word of God either creates or destroys—the difference being the heart-attitude it finds (Ps. 33:6; Is. 40:8; 55:11; Jer. 23:29; Heb. 4:12). Eli was physically blind, but this prophecy was given to Samuel as he had also become spiritually blind. Samuel was to deliver the prophecy to Eli to show the transfer of authority to Samuel and as a rebuke for the old priest. Though scared, Samuel faithfully tells the prophecy to Eli, proving God’s correct choice. We hear with our ears but listen with our hearts!

God’s people become BLESSED
To Eli’s credit, even in the rebuke, he acknowledged God’s will, and that God will do what pleases Him. God’s will always gets done, but believers must decide if they’ll choose to follow and be blessed. God was so pleased with Samuel, He always had his back and didn’t let his words ‘fall to the ground’. God guides, protects, and vindicates those who follow Him (Matt. 23:12; Luke 7:35)!