The Christian's Exclusive Comfort
Aaron Vegh
Part of Stand Alone Sermons
February 29, 2024

The Christian’s Exclusive Comfort March 3, 2024
2 Corinthians 4:14—5:11


When the “light of the glorious gospel of Christ” has shone into a man’s heart, an

to be in the visible presence of God is produced. This will exceed all other _and overcome all present difficulties.


Do not be found

at the last day, that is
stuck in your sins and mortal body (cf. John 15:22).
Are you with the righteous blood of Christ?
Desire the not the (Psalm 73:25-26).

Do you desire to be in the presence of Christ our God and Creator, or are you more interested in a materialistic, self-centered, and vain idea of heaven?
a. Is your desire to see Jesus and worship Him, or are you simply
motivated by the wealth of heaven and the fear of hell’s torments?

_ in your current afflictions, whatever they may be (James 1:2-4). Your present troubles are designed to prepare you for this .

You can glory in your trials and sufferings because this is making your heart better (Eccl 7:3); it is fitting you for immortality.
Dwell on the reality that it is God’s _ to give you the Kingdom (Luke 12:32), and to you for it (Colossians 1:12). Your afflictions are actually a blessing in
disguise (Psalm 118:18).