Faith in Jesus is never misplaced.
An eclipse is a cosmic reminder that the universe is not a random collection of matter and events that happened by chance. The cosmos is so finely tuned that we can know precisely where every heavenly body will be 200 years from now, down to the minute. These events reminds us that the universe is not an accident, and neither are we. God made both, and He is in control.”
—R. L. Solberg
Mark 5:21–43
vv. 21–24—As soon as Jesus steps foot on the shore, he is immediately confronted. Jairus, the president/leader of the local synagogue, falls at Jesus’ feet and begs for a miracle—his daughter is deathly ill. Jesus agrees to go with him and follows Jairus to his house as a crowd presses in on Him from every side.
vv. 25–34—As Jesus passes through the town, an unnamed woman with a serious health issue secretly pushes through the crowd to reach Jesus for a miracle. She hemorrhaged blood for the past twelve years and spent what wealth she had on physicians who added to her torment. Due to this particular health crisis, the woman was ritually unclean, along with everything she touches, which is why she convinced herself to touch Jesus’s garment (imatiou). Immediately, her issue of blood (aimatos) dried up, and immediately, Jesus knew something happened. While the disciples had no clue what was going on, Jesus would not allow this woman to go off into anonymity. She falls at His feet and tells Jesus everything. He then comforts her as “Daughter” and pronounces shalom—peace—over her.
vv. 35–41—Meanwhile, Jairus is told not to bother the “Teacher” any longer because his daughter has died. However, Jesus tells Jairus not to be afraid, only believe. They get to Jairus’s house and find mourners outside grieving. Jesus tells everyone the daughter is not dead, only sleeping. The crowd goes from weeping to mocking. They know a dead person when they see one. Jesus takes in a small crowd—the parents, Peter, James, and John. He grabs the girl by the hand, who is unclean because she is dead. He speaks Aramaic words, “Little girl, get up,” to show that it is not by some magical incantation but His power and authority that works miracles. And immediately, the girl gets up. Jesus tells them to feed her in order to demonstrate she is not a disembodied spirit. He then commands them to secrecy.
Faith in Jesus
Faith in Jesus
Faith in Jesus allows to