God Who Rescues: Ehud
Judges 3:12-30
Pastor Landon Orr
January 19, 2025


Point 1: God’s People Need Rescue (12-14)
1. Complete Regression
2. Left to their own devices…the people need a savior.

Point 2: You are uniquely equipped for God’s plan (15-19)
1. God uses all sorts
a. Left Handed
b. Right Hand Bound
c. Skilled Warrior
2. He had a plan

Point 3: Don’t overlook the ordinary (20-26a)
1. The servants were embarrassed
2. Ehud escaped
3. God used a bodily function to rescue his people.
4. God uses everything for his plan

Point 4: Your Rescuer Calls for you to follow (26b-30)
1. The Israelites sent Ehud (v. 15) and waited for his return
2. Follow your rescuer
3. God will reign


Discussion Questions:

Do you find yourself repeatedly turning away from God? How can others come alongside you to keep your eyes focused on Christ?

Have you ever experienced a hardship that, in retrospect, you can see how God was teaching you a lesson? What did you learn?

How has God made you unique? How might God use that in his plan to reach the world?

In what ways can God use your “specific set of skills” to reach others for the gospel?

Think about your life. In what ordinary situations might God be working that you overlook because you are waiting for something supernatural?

Do you expect God to move? What does a life of expectant living look like?

Jesus calls us to follow him. How would your life look different if you went all in to follow the rescuer?