“Until Christ Is Formed In You” Galatians 4:12-20
January 21, 2024
“Until Christ Is Formed In You”
Galatians 4:12-20
I. Remember Your Heart When You First Met Jesus (4:12-14)
II. Realize Love Will Speak Truth Into Your Life (4:15-16)
III. Recognize Leaders With Christlike Motivations For Pursuing You (4:17-20)
Conclusion: Is Christ Being Formed In You?
Response To God’s Word
1. Listen to His
2. Pattern your
3. Let Him
Discussion Questions
1. Describe those first days of blessedness experienced by the Galatians when they received Paul and believed in the Gospel. Describe a time in your life when you were close to the Lord and close to other believers. Is it still that way? Why or why not?
2. Sometimes believers pull away from healthy fellowship because something changes in their hearts towards leaders or other believers. Why did the Galatians pull away from Paul? How have you ever seen something similar happen with believers in our day? What advice would you give those who have pulled away from those speaking the truth?
3. The false teachers were not motivated by noble things. What were they motivated by? Describe what you see as Paul’s motivation in ministry.
4. How might you pursue the aim of Christ being formed in you?