Awe: Cleansed & Restored
June 3, 2021

Series: Recapturing Our Awe of the Son
Sermon Title: Awe: Cleansed & Restored
Luke 5:12-26

  1. I Am In Awe of the of Jesus (12)
    Notice the..
    of the request
    • Faith of the request
    of the request
  2. I am In Awe That Jesus The Leper (13)
  3. I Am In Awe That The Leper Immediately Becomes (13)
  4. I Am In Awe of the of Jesus To Different People (17-26)
    Points of Application
  5. Jesus Has Over Our Sin
  6. Jesus Has The Authority To Forgive &
  7. Jesus Desires Us To Do All We Can To Bring People To Him