What the Cross Says to Evil
Pastor Tim Zuck
Part of Cross Examine—What the Cross Says to Some Tough Issues of Life
March 10, 2022


Key Verse

Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good.
– Romans 12:21


Romans 12:17-21

Big Idea

Because of the

of the cross of Christ, we can over evil.

  1. We triumph over evil by

    the pressure to react in an un-Christlike manner (vv. 17-19).

  2. We triumph over evil be

    to evil with (vv.20-21).

The Cross is the only alchemy that turns evil into good.”
- John Stott


your life in the pattern of the Cross.

Next Steps

Where do you need to mold your life in the pattern of the cross? Your mind (attitude towards others)? Your mouth? Your actions?